This page provides details and links to all of the publically accessible data, tools, and resoucres managed by the FLAME Project. It also links to other important archaometallurgical resources curated at the Research Lab in Oxford and further afield. It will be updated regularly over the next five years. Follow us on Wordpress, Twitter, and Facebook, or subscribe to our RSS feed to recieve updates on new additions to this list.
This database contains brief details of the samples and documents in R. Tylecote's extensive metallurgical archive. These items are now curated by RLAHA and are accessible for further study by request
Collated database of archaeological metalwork analyses from the British Bronze Age. Currently this resource is password protected, please contact us to get access.
Large database of lead isotope measurements from the records of the Isotrace laboratory (University of Oxford) between 1975–2002
Collated and cross-referenced data from early publications the analysis of archaeological metalwork, with comments by A.M. Pollard and an associated bibliography.
Collated and cross-referenced data from early publications the analysis of archaeological metalwork, with comments by A.M. Pollard and an associated bibliography (under construction).
Collated OES data generated by RLAHA in the early 1960s relating to the analysis of archaeological metalwork from China
Collated data relating to the analysis of archaeological coins from China, dating from pre-dynatic to Qing dynasties.
The unpublished results from the XRF analysis of 58 fifteenth century Italian renassince bronze medals from the Ashmolean Museum, undertaken by A.M. Pollard in the early 1980s in the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art.
The analyses on multiple parts of brass scientific instruments (astrolabes, etc.) from Germany, England, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Flanders, and Spain, as well as 5 Islamic astrolabes and a Byzantine calendrical device. These were analysed by A.M. Pollard and Catherine Mortimer in the 1980s, with a few analysed by Francis Schweizer in the 1960s.
The analyses by XRF data of 800 European Medieval brass jetons, tokens, coins and badges, plus 580 European Medieval lead/tin alloy tokens, carried out at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, University of Oxford, between 1982 and 1986.
The chemical analyses of the bodies of Chinese and other oriental porcelains, collected by atomic absorption spectrometry in the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford University, in the early 1980s.